35 Confidence Affirmations for Work if You’re Struggling


Many people go about their work day struggling to get through the day because of boredom, unhappiness, and discouragement.

I’ve been there myself many times- subtly affirming the negative- that something isn’t going well, won’t work out, or that I’ll never achieve my dreams.

Thinking this way can be an unconscious habit that you’re barely even aware of. It can cause you to feel annoyed, angry, hopeless, insecure, like an imposter, or worse.

The truth is, that by shining a light on your thoughts and questioning limiting beliefs, you create a crack in your reality.

When you decide to start affirming your abilities, strengths, and talents instead, everything starts to shift.

You begin to see opportunity, possibility, and most importantly, the value you bring to the table when it comes to your career. (And the value you bring to the world!)

Affirmations may not work immediately, (because habitual thinking doesn’t tend to change overnight,) but over time, work affirmations can help you become more confident, capable, and successful, no matter if you keep your current job or change direction.

As Buddha said, “What you think you become.” So, check out these 35 positive affirmations for work that will empower your thoughts with confident, optimistic energy. A PDF printable is at the end of the list.

Affirmations for Work

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35 Confidence Work Affirmations for When You’re Struggling

I am getting better and better at what I do.

I feel confident in my skills and unique abilities.

My light shines brightly.

I’m attracting the right people and opportunities.

I’m saying yes to opportunities and growth.

My work doesn’t define me; it delights me.

I’m valuable, needed, and wanted.

I am in charge of my work life and I get to choose my direction at any given moment.

I cherish myself and what I offer the world.

I am powerful and wise.

I’m not afraid to set boundaries.

I prioritize wellness and balance without sacrificing income.

I welcome challenges because even if I struggle, those challenges strengthen me.

As a funnel for Universal Energy, I am effortlessly creative.

I’m knowledgeable and have a unique perspective.

My ideas and contributions matter.

I exude positive energy, confidence, and passion.

I inspire respect and admiration.

I’m joyfully productive.

I enjoy how I spend my time.

I’m manifesting opportunity and financial abundance.

I rest when needed in full confidence and trust that it’s ok to do so.

Getting work done feels satisfying because I’m in the flow.

I am strong, relaxed, and confident.

I am smart, talented, ambitious, inspired, and skilled.

I am highly capable of earning a decent income.

I’m manifesting happiness at work.

I’m evolving into my career in beautiful ways.

I’m changing with the times and the future is looking bright.

I embrace change. Bring it on!

Each day is an opportunity for growth and joy.

I give myself grace each day and know it’s okay to be imperfect.

I am creating the work life I desire by saying yes to what I want and no to what I do not want.

My work revolves around my interests and passions.

My success is snowballing.

PDF Printable Work Affirmations

You can download this list of work affirmations below. Practice them regularly for best results in creating new thought pathways.

Work Affirmations for Confidence and Success

Final Thoughts

Positive affirmations aren’t about convincing yourself of things that aren’t true- they are about creating new truths, forming new perspectives, and manifesting your ideal results at work and in life.

Being open to changing your thinking patterns can be tough, and it’s true that life isn’t easy. But, you are powerful and you can change things. It all starts with your mindset.

There’s always another level of happiness. There’s always more to learn and achieve; more joy to have. Work is no different from any other aspect of life in this regard.

So keep affirming what is good and see what happens. Affirm your talents, skills, and abilities. Affirm opportunities, support, money, stability, security, balance, joy, creativity, and all of the wonderful things you desire for your work life.

I hope you enjoyed these positive work affirmations. May they help you manifest greater confidence, success, and happiness in your career.

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